Saturday, January 12, 2019

Wife & Husband

Wife: Had your lunch?
Husband: Had your lunch?

Wife: I am asking you
Husband: I am asking you

Wife: You copying me?
Husband: You copying me?

Wife: Lets go shopping
Husband: Yes I had my lunch

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

What's wining attitude?

What's wining attitude?
2 ants saw an elephant coming.
Ant 1: We will kill him
Ant 2: We will break his legs.
Ant 3: Forgive him guys,
he is alone and we are 3

Paddy and his two good friends

Paddy and his two good friends were sitting at a bar, talking about their wives.
"I think my wife is having an affait with the electricain,"his first friend said, taking a swing of his beer.

Hoe's that? his other friend asked.
"Well. the other day I came home and...

Teacher v/s Suleman

Teacher: What is your date of birth?
Suleman: October 13th
Teacher: It is every year!!

Don't Worry

I don't have to worry about getting kidnapped.
They would bring me back in less than an hour!!

Don't cry because it's over

Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because that asshole is finally someone else's problem!

Read a medication

Just once I would like to read a medication label that says:
WARNING' permanent weight loss,
remove wrinkles and increase energy."

Roses are red

Roses are red,
Violets are blue a face like yours belongs in a zoo.

Don't you worry
I'll be there too,

Not in the cage
But laughing at you!

Teacher v/s Student

Teacher: Today, we're going to talk about the tenses.
Now, if I say "I am beautiful,"
which tense is it?
Student: Obviously it is the past tense.

Husband and Wife

A Husband & Wife were arguing over some issue.
After much of discussion,
Wife finally said: Do you want to win
Do you want to be happy..?

Argument Ended

An Old man had 8 hair on his head.

An Old man had 8 hair on his head.
He want to a Barber shop.
Barber in anger asked.

Shall I cut or count?
Old man smiled and said:
Color it!"

Life is to enjoy with whatever
you have with you.